Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"My siMplE pIcTurEs "
BeInG I am cUtesT pic.hehe!!!
(*--*)GAtZ RoViC(*-*)
Kind, sweet, adorable, friendly, mOody hehe!, and pRetty haha!bleH!!! ayaw pAg react....hehe!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

"I really miss this bond girls"

Uhmm...Bonding with mY cousins, friends and board mates..."("*-*")

February 28, 2009, we celebrated for the God's grace to my cousins and board mates who passed in board exam of nursing... This celebration with them was very unforgettable moment, the first time we bonding together...My best friend Elaine was also there, my cousin Ate Jae, a very friendly, sweet and good ate with us, ate Mara is a simple girl but smart, friendly and sweet also, my cousin ate Cristie is also a simple woman, I'm shock with her when the first time I saw her drunk and always laughing and that was the first time she was vomit...hehe!!!peace!!!My close friend Ciara, a cute girl, like me hehe! small but terrible... My friend Shena, a pretty girl, uhm very talkative, hehe!! but I like her personality,, Love You Shen! hehe!! my friend Althea, "dili sanay mag inom" hehe! but obviously "nacontrol niya", she is a friendly, humble and nice to be with...

" Going to BAkBaK"

"Outside of Kopiroti, a coffe shop"

"In Idol hehe! Pretty pa rin"

" Me, ate Cristie and Xiang, how cute!"

"OpZ!whose that hanD? hehe, kaY ate Mara"

"Inside of the Nautical, a social BaR, hehe"

"Choli na!hehe...We loVe R.H, ana c xiang"hehe

"The Single Ladies....hehe"

*-*ALL tHe SingLe LaDiEs*-*
"The happy moment with you GIRLS"

March 9, 2009 at 11pm, we went first in Chowking to connect WIFI, how sad their WIFI didn't work that's why we transfered to Jolibee, we enjoyed walking in street "Me, Xiang and Elaine"...Very interesting and funny moment while doing our friendster and uploading the pictures...Shocking! Kaayo si Xiang my best kontrabida in my life hehe! At ako ang BIDA!!bleh!!hehe!! sige lng pangisi....but honestly I'm so happy with you guys...

Friday, February 27, 2009

(*-*)>>""My LoVinG HilaRio's FaMiLy""<<(*-*)

>>"ThE FoUr ChilDrEn Of hiLariO'S fAmiLy"<<

>>"My Family"<<

We are 6 members in our family. What can I say? Wow! I'm contented of my family, why? Because of God gracious, he gave me a family that made my life complete maybe without them I can't reach my goals in life. In every challenge, task and poverty, the most thing we think is the sake of each of us no matter what happened our love, care, concern and support will not end and I'm very thankful because of my parent's love with us. My "Mamang" is the best mother and I'm proud of her because of those problems happened in our lives the only thing she always think is our education . My handsome "Papang", the best father of all the fathers. You are our strength "Pang" even sometimes we are "pasaway" but we never think what those things we had argued because of our behavior why you did to hurt us but thank you "Pang" being a good father and teacher with us by teaching us how to be a good person especially by doing our responsibilities and goals in our life. You are our pathway to achieve our goals and I'm proud also that you are my "Papang". I'm glad of having two brothers and one sister even they are "Pasaway" but they are my charmed and my supporter as their eldest daughter"Ate".

We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family. Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member, yet we lead our daily life too often as if we take our family for granted. Family quarrels have a total bitterness unmatched by others. Yet it sometimes happens that they also have a kind of tang, a pleasantness beneath the unpleasantness, based on the tacit understanding that this is not for keeps; that any limb you climb out on will still be there later for you to climb back. We all grow up with the weight of history on us. Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of our bodies.

<<(*-*)OuR fRiEndsHips will be Forever(*-*)>>

<<"" mY worthy gift and I should treasure it"">>
>>>""(*-* Me AnD mY bEstFriEnD*-*)<<<

I need a friend in my life who requires no explanations because she has just known me forever. I need a friend who won't fill silence with idle talk because she knows that the quiet spaces we share often speak the loudest and feel the best. I need a friend who' constant and faithful someone to call true. I don't think of you as just a friend--- you're more like a sister. You have a way of making me feel comfortable and cared about and that makes simple interest. We've a lot of good times together already and I that as time goes by, we'll have a whole lot more, I'm glad we're such good friends-- it would be hard to find a better sister than you... My inspiration is with you girls, guys and my family. A strength light helping me move forward with confidence and courage.

In you I have found someone who listens to me with care and understanding, and always knows the right thing to say to make me feel better. In you, I have found someone to laugh with and to make me laugh- sometimes until our sides ache. In you, I have found someone to go places and do things with, whose company. I never get tired of. Because you bring me so much happiness, because you're so much fun to be with. In you, I have found a perfect friend. In a million different situations, and always at the perfect moment, you've said to me, " I know what you mean... I understand". And the thing is, I know that you really, honestly do. That takes a special person-- someone who knows the real me because she was always right there with me! Not everyone has that kind of reassurance in their lives. I'm so lucky to have you as my friend, you truly are a gift to me.
"">>> DuRing Our Last dAy iN oUr NSTP>>>""
wiTh cLAssmatEs

Let me tell to you about a place I've heard of called the Middle of Nowhere. It's not only on any map and it's really inconvenient to get there and once you're there, there's not even anything fun to do. No mountain to climb or movies to see or good restaurants to try and the shopping is pathetic. But do you know why I bright it up? Because I was just thinking about how good a friend you are and how much fun we have together. We have a lots of gimmicks/ adventures together, on gimmicks, we both love to go in a place that have a lots of happiness like we go to a disco with other friends and drinking "RH",hehe!. And sometimes we bond together with our close friends. And even if we were stuck together in a lame place like this on the worst day of the year, I think we'd still somehow manage to have a good time.

Friends and classmates during our high school life. ME, Elaine, Joy, Jehan, Charlesnap, Alex, Tope, our garden in school. Uhm! mY bestfriend who are kind, generous, humble and ofcourse pretty like me hehe! That girl Joy my "Astig" friend but she has a good personality that I really like to her of being friendly and good listener and adviser in terms of problems. MY gat Jehan!, she's hot, talented because she has a nice voice, hot tempered hehe! but a good friend. A boy has a lot of experience about lovelife I can judge him chickboy or playboy hehe! but he is gentleman and friendly that is Charlesnap.."Tope"?, he is an artistic guy because of his talent on drawing and any kind of art he has...sometimes he is weird because you don't know what is the means of his reaction and I noticed he is talkative and a good friend... >>Alex<<>....

">>>YvOne-nee, JUliefer Joy anD Rovic MariE<<<"

mY gAtz fRiends, unforgetable moment with you girls during our sembreak, when I went home in our province Lebak, Sultan Kudarat. I spent my time to bond with my friends, we always going in beach and parties... We were enjoyed and lots of memories we spent in a few weeks vacation in our province... And I miss those memories "gAtZ"... Our FriEndship will still strong as a "GaTz" miZz yOu giRls....

Thursday, February 26, 2009


A FaiRy TaLe oF mY mYsterious liFe

That's why life is full of fantasy but it's real to experience those stories with others!

"" YeAh!! iTz mE""

"(*-* tHe gORgEous fEelings with HiM*-*)"

Life is full of emotions that I'd experience with my family, friends, someone special and other people. Think of it, why our emotions take us from different reactions like doing things for sake and sin for happiness. When I encounter my someone who taught me what love means, the guy who change my emotions to be always happy and became strong in every tragedies and poverty came into my life. I noticed with myself that I'm always inspired in every time we saw each other and sometimes I felt jealous and pressure of waiting him in every time we met because of his job. The first time I'd committed with someone who are too old than me but it doesn't matter how old our gap the only thing I'm thinking is my real love with him. Maybe I'm thankful of having a relationship with him, the guy I'd shared with my mother that he was my first boyfriend even though not because he was the 2nd but I'd rather assume he was my first boyfriend. He is handsome, friendly, have sense of humor, caring and all qualities I want has connected

What can I say??? uhmm!!! When I encounter myself in my real world her in Davao I can't imagine ever since I've never experience those shocking and nightmares that change my life but whatever happened I'm still concentrate with my studies because this the opportunity that I should first priority even I made a lot of mistakes and sins that my family didn't know what those happenings I've done on myself but only I can say I know that God challenge me until I could reach and achieve my dreams for my family and those people who were expecting my capabilities and skills that soon there will be a nurse in our family.

How I wish, that I could reach it...

How I wish that my life become meaningful in every task, challenge and trials.

How I wish I could help my family to give them a beautiful life and feel how life so


(*-*) hehe!!! I hope will come true and I'm so excited to encounter myself with my family that we are happy together...through bonding, and celebrate our family reunion.....

How I wish......

In my relationship, having a commitment with someone is my inspiration..hehe,,,Korni noh but natamaan jud ko! My first time I felt inlove with someone when I realize that he was different with other guy even he's older than me. The guy I shared with my mother that made me nervous when I told her about of our relationship and I was shock instead angry with me, she gave me advises that" it's fine to have you a boyfriend to inspired you with your studies" <>hehe!!! But when the time I realize again that our relationship was so complicated I decided to give up our relationship that made me a big mistake because until now I still love him....Is it KARM???!!!huhu...but it's ok, now I understand that it's hard to move on with someone that made you complete in everytime you saw each other.I know soon there's someone more than him who will be my right guy....For now I'm still enjoying my single life with my friends....

<<<<*-* Searching and explore(*-*)>>>>hehehe.....

Feelings of being scared and afraid, or angry or hatred. For some people who have known what it is like to have close friends and family around, being isolated and alone can be very frightening and scary. There is a desire for comfort and security. Children, for example, sometimes use their parents as a supportive base, and when strangers or danger approaches they run back to their parents for security. In much the same way this can continue throughout a person's life. When that security is gone, and loneliness appears, it can also be a frightening time as well. For other people though, there is a lot of bitterness and resentment. Usually it is against the people who lonely individuals perceive have hurt them in the past or present. It could be a ex-relationship, or people in general or the world, but the underlying theme here is that the world has hurt them and they are angry that it did. And so, in addition their feelings of loneliness they also respond with feelings of anger.

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. Is so true and many times revealed in life poems. No one person can experience all that life has to offer meaning in life. One's reflections of life can offer wisdom and insight from so many aspects of life. Life poetry expresses that it provides us with many gifts and we can change anything and everything in our dealings with life's tasks and tests given us.

**>>My BeaUtiFuL Mother<<**

***>>PrOUd oF yOu Mang<<***
You are the best mother of all
Nothing so beautiful and caring as she
The one who brought me to this World
and in the light of day or night
Her smile shines on my heart
So sweet with so much love Nothing as radiant as she
Her love so priceless
Her care so gracious
So grateful I am
To have been brought by she
To see this World
And carry her heart in mine
Her face
Her eyes
Light in mine
Her soul and name engraved
In my hands and feet
Her smile I tend to reflect
Her beauty is a wonder.
How priceless
Is her love for me
I see it everyday
The sacrifices she has made for me
Blesses me in every way
Every stitch of my being
Is perfected with a simple kiss on my cheek
That tells wonders of the love
She has had for me
Since the day she held me
Till the day I die
My heart carries her love
Her care and concern
That will never die
I know her so well
I know her heart and feelings
She knows my first breath
My first cry to this World
So priceless is my mother
So wonderful is she
Of all the people in this World
You always mean them most to me
And I cry when I can't help you
Inside my heart bleeds
When I can't save you
From your unhappiness
Or solve those certain things
And when I see you happy
I'm elated as can be
And my heart aches the most
When I think of when I may have hurt you
Making you unhappy with something I do
So much anger and sadness
I may have caused you
When I did something wrong
You always forgive me
And I pray at night
That you will be happy
Your dreams come true
Your sadness ridden
And that someday
I will be strong and bold as you
With a heart so caring
And a smile so enchanting
My love for you is infinite
I cannot even describe
If anything ever happened
I probably would die
If I left this World
Or made you cry
I hope you know
How much you mean to me
For your happiness
I could do anything
Because nothing is as pure
As your love for me
And my love for you
Your love for me is priceless
And always so true
I love you Mother
And nothing can change how I feel
Always and forever
I shall be your little girl

***>>PrOUd oF yOu paNg<<***

Most any man can father a child for this we know is true, but to be a good dad there's a whole lot more for all these men to do.

They have to have strength to endure long days even though their bodies be tired, the love in their hearts has to show in their eyes to the child who so admires.
They have to show honesty through each day and show that life is worth living, they have to show caring in all they do in taking and in giving.
Understanding has to be a big part of the father's heart as well, and though he feels pain or hurts at times he may never, never tell.
They have a great laughter that shows in their eyes and comes rolling from within, to light up the faces of each little child as each day draws to an end.
Hopes for today, Dreams for tomorrow is what they must keep showing, and though they grow old they still feel great joy, for the love of their children keeps growing.

>>""bestfriends forever GaT""<<

"" ThE PrEttY tWinZ:""

(""Ms RoviC anD my OnlY bEstfRiEnd Ms. ElaiNe AiZa MaE"")

The "twins" ko noh, because a lot of people noticed if we are sisters and we told them yes!we are!If they don't mind we are twins also, are we? My best friend is one of my special gift that I need to treasure it even we had a lot of argument and misunderstanding we were still strong to continue our friendship. I'm very happy of having you "GAT" as my best friend, I really hope that our friendship will no end. This pretty girl is like a flower could fresh your air, you are also my strength "gAT" in every time we were together. We have a lot of experience that made us new person but our personality are still there, for me even whatever happened or change my physical look, the "Rovic" you met before is like also you encounter now... Thanks for the friendship "gAt" and I really appreciate the way you handle our friendship...We know God has plan with us to continue our goals and dreams and I really hope we can reach our dreams come true... I know we are deserving to do our job as a nurse someday and God will never leave us in our journey to face all challenge, task and responsibility we have as a nursing student... If I will measure our friendship, maybe it takes longer until we have own family but before that we should be responsible for our goals and obligations...
{:""BeStfRiEndS fOreVer"":{
""MyRa, ElaiNe, Me aNd JoY""

>>"GatZ gRoup"<<
In our groups we have nine members of "GatZ", it came from the word iGAt but we are not iGat, we are the group of girls who have different personality. We started our friendships when we were in 4th year high school and that was the year level made us complete and we started develop our "gaTZ" group through bonding and sharing our stories and problems. Our motto before is one for all, all for one and that's the way we handle our friendships and even we had also a lot of misunderstanding and argument we were still continue our friendships by helping each other and doing things for the good of one of us. "GaTz" I really miss our bondings and stories about love life...
what you have thats stronger than ever
the only power that is stronger than any power of mankind
something that gives you the power to carry on
gives you the the power to help someone you love
strength is a power that you have within yourself and with your friends...

"JoY AnD YvOne-NeE"

""Arnel, Bonimar, Jen, Joy, mE, Jehan, Pamela,
Elaine, friend of Elaine""

"MaRiE bLaiSe"

""I ReAllY misS oUr BoNdiNg gUyz""

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

>>mY Strength<<

""RhEa, RoViC, MariA Fe aNd CharMainE""
ThE SinGle LadiEs!

Oh God, Bless us!
At first I felt nervous about my course because this course is serious thing that you should be careful, the way you handle your life especially the life our clients and I should know how to stand with my own decision and effort by doing my goals and responsibilities as a nursing student. Now, as a 2nd yr. student of Brokenshire College, this level give us chance to continue our goals until we reach the next level because as we go on on the 3rd level, this is the level that we will expose in the hospital, we experience how we handle a patient that have a serious diseases, wound, and involve in any kind of accidents that’s why everything should be manage and serve and care the patient to cure their health condition. Wow! I felt excited but I’m fully nervous because I don’t want to make mistake during our duty in the hospital, May God bless us and guide us in a right way how we may handle our clients.
At my 2nd level of studying nursing course, I’m grateful because I met a lot of friends who were always support me and they are my strength in every tasks and challenges that I should pass like performing Return demonstration in our R.L.E major subject, my grades were good because before our R.D we already practice and familiarize those procedures with my close friends in our section. The 3 beautiful girls who are my true friends that encourage me to continue my effort and sacrifice as a nursing student. I’m really thankful of having you girls as my strength and mirror to encounter my goals and responsibilities as the model of responsible and flexible nursing student. Oh GOD, our savior, Father, strength, and our best friend , we know you are always beside us in every task and challenge we face and you made us strong to believe what is good for the sake of us especially for our neighbor.

" ThE fOuR cHilDren oF hiLariO's fAmiLy"
J.R, Me, Love2x and John2x(":)

>>"My Family"<<

We are 6 members in our family. What can I say? Wow! I'm contented of my family, why? Because of God gracious, he gave me a family that made my life complete maybe without them I can't reach my goals in life. In every challenge, task and poverty, the most thing we think is the sake of each of us no matter what happened our love, care, concern and support will not end and I'm very thankful because of my parent's love with us. My "Mamang" is the best mother and I'm proud of her because of those problems happened in our lives the only thing she always think is our education . My handsome "Papang", the best father of all the fathers. You are our strength "Pang" even sometimes we are "pasaway" but we never think what those things we had argued because of our behavior why you did to hurt us but thank you "Pang" being a good father and teacher with us by teaching us how to be a good person especially by doing our responsibilities and goals in our life. You are our pathway to achieve our goals and I'm proud also that you are my "Papang".
I'm glad of having two brothers and one sister even they are "Pasaway" but they are my charmed and my supporter as their eldest daughter"Ate".

" My bEauTiFUl CloSe FrIeNds….."
>>WiLL bE a NuRSe "R.N" OR "M.N" sOmeday<<

Ms. Rhea Juaneza, Ms. Rovic Marie Hilario, Ms. Maria Fe Macadine and Ms. Charmaine Hallado…
Thanks with you girls, I really comfortable and happy in every activities, tasks, bonding and duties we experienced and made my life meaningful because of those knowledge, skills, abilities and talents we shared with each other and don’t worry I will treasure it and share also to everyone.
Friendship is the bread of life. It is essential to our well being. We could not survive without it. Ever since the beginning of time we have been extending the hand of friendship to each other. In very primitive communities, having the help of others in a crisis is a matter of survival. However, even in today’s world where it seems as if we could survive without ever talking to another human being, friendship is important. Friendship is a prerequisite to sanity. We are social human beings and we need each other to survive.
Saying "thank you" may be the two hardest words that friends share. We like to see ourselves as independent and not needing anyone’s help. When a friend does something for us, it is difficult to humble ourselves by thanking them. Believe it or not, as strong as your need is to believe yourself independent, your friend may have an even stronger need to hear the words "thank you". Your friend may see that he is the one who is always doing the thanking and will appreciate that he is also a contributor to the friendship.